Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Technology FAIL!

Well I started our video diary today. I figured it would be a good way to view progress & get a feel for what is actually involved with domesticating a wild horse.

There's actually some quite interesting moments in the footage; the boys are already cottoning on to the mucking out routine & obligingly moved into the other yard without even being asked. Little Whorl, as quiet & unassuming as he's trying to be in the overwhelming presence of Mojo, is rapidly gaining confidence & is being a VERY brave young man!

He came striding confidently into the big yard all by himself today, straight past me & over to the fresh grass. You could see the look of triumph on his face, "Ha! Ha! Phew! Look at me, she didn't kill me!" "IN YOUR FACE MOJO!"

Mojo, on the other hand, is a typical mature stallion (a.k.a. complete WUSS unless forced to act otherwise!) He's very aware of his obvious importance & celebrity & so it seems, he's employed a somewhat unwilling Whorl as body guard. Apparently Whorl's job is to stay between me & Mojo at all times. Mojo deftly shuffles & jostles Whorl into position before diving under cover behind him. He's devastatingly skilled at positioning Whorl perfectly so he can freely move between the food & water supplies without getting near me at all.

When I do pay attention to Mojo & offer him fresh grass & feed, he goes into an Oscar winning broody sulk that Johnny Depp would be proud of. It is much easier to switch off & pretend I don't exist & maintain one's cool, charsimatic composure. The alternative is to acknowledge my close presence & attention & absolutely lose the plot which would SO damage the image! I'm happy to leave him with his rep intact at this stage & work with a more willing, Whorl.

The video footage explains this all so much better but it's so long since I've used the camera, I've forgotten how to get it off there (I think there's a cable?) & onto the computer (I'm sure there's a cable!) I'll take more video tomorrow & sometime soon (Dammit! Where IS that cable?!) I'll start loading it to the blog so you can see for yourself what I'm blathering on about.

I've charged the still camera batteries too so I'll have back up, unlike today. *blush*

I need LOTS of video & photos so all the ladies can drool over Mojo apparently. Ha! Ha! Ha! Seems his macchismo is as effective on the human girls as it is the horse girls. He's had LOTS of offers of new homes & fillies to flirt with, already! Oh well, he can keep gathering fan mail & brooding in his corner while young Whorl lives life on the edge & starts fraternising with humans.

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