Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Marvellous Mojo & Wonderful Whorl!

What a GREAT afternoon! The sun has been shining all day & the boys were quite 'up' in their mood & VERY relaxed while I was mucking out. I literally had to muck out around them! The rake had been even closer to Whorl's feet, prior to me picking up the camera. Even Mojo was able to confidently hold his ground today. Amazing!

I touched Whorl's shoulder (gave it a good rub) 3 x times! Yay Whorl! :-D I didn't manage to get a photo though sorry! :-( And no, this isn't like 'the one that got away'. Ha! Ha! Whorl is suspicious of the camera. When I take my attention off him to look through the camera, I lose focus & he loses confidence in what I'm doing. These ponies are fantastic at demonstrating how committed you need to be to each task. If you're not 'in the zone', they get a bit confused & worried. Everything you see in the photos, I have done at least once before I've picked up the camera & I don't pick up the camera until the horse is completely comfortable with what I want to photograph. They need to be up to that additional pressure & although Whorl managed to let me in there 3 x times, I knew he wouldn't quite be up to having the camera there as well. Maybe tomorrow? Maybe next week? Who knows...? Right now, he's an absolute wee GEM, yet again!! I'm SO proud of him! Here's what got him to that point today...

Touching him ALL over the offside again today.

And look! We finally gained an understanding about the nearside too. :-)

Although Mojo was wary, he managed to hold his ground & allowed me to stroke him with the stick a few times too.

Thankfully, not all of his stroking involved him jamming himself in the corner & trying to ignore me. This is what he resorted to when I got out the camera but he was still pretty relaxed for Mojo. Oh, & look; no Whorl between me & him! ;-)

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