Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Meet the boys!

Here they are...

Grey stallion, estimated at approx. 4 yrs old & approx. 13hh. He's obviously had his own band of mares. He was an absolute 'chick magnet' in the holding yards! The fillies were immediately drawn to him & the colts did their best to keep out of his way & not get between him & HIS girls.

I wasn't sure how he'd go as companion to a much younger colt but as I have no mares on the property, I'm hoping he won't feel the need to beat up the baby. So far, he's tolerating him but he still inflicts some pretty nasty bites when he feels pressured.

Bay colt, estimated at between 1 & 2 yrs old. He looks like he could possibly grow to a reasonable size with a bit of decent feed. Watch this guy!! He may not look much now but these Kaimanawas are the 'Ugly Ducklings' of the horse world. Come spring, he'll be a totally different horse! I think he's going to be quite lovely! Like all Kaimanawa babies, his curiosity gets the better of him & he got brave enough to take a large handful of grass from my hand yesterday before dropping half of it on the ground & scaring the bejeezers out of himself. Hehehe. I've nicknamed him 'Whorl' as he has a very unusual large whorl just below the white splotch on his forehead.


  1. The grey is just gorgeous, my sister has a grey called mojo but hes not a kai. They are just gorgeous ponies......

  2. Well this guy's name may well be changed by his new owner but it certainly suits him meantime. He just oozes charisma & all the women adore him!
